Yo vi nacer la muerte de mi mano
Mi espada jugaba con el final de los hombres
Donde las lágrimas sangrientas
Abatían el silencio
Comprendió que sus sueños se coagularon con el pasar de los años, junto con sus manos, manos incapaces de cuidarlos, manos marchitas dentro de ellos.
El sol se alzaba en una lejanía fría y pálida a través nubes inválidas, no era extraño a sus ojos, como no lo fue la primera vez que vio el cielo palidecer de miedo.
A sus espaldas las sombras de sus enemigos se disolvían entre la niebla que se formaba a su alrededor, abatidas por su boca que besaba el filo del acero.
Sabía que nació con un corazón que no pertenecía a este mundo.
Miraba con odio al horizonte, no sabía ver el horizonte de otra forma, no sabía que en otra parte del mundo le esperan con un nudo en la garganta. La sangre fresca emanaba de las heridas frescas de algunos cadáveres, sangre que poco a poco llegaron a cubrir el suelo donde estaban los pies del mercenario.
El sonido de la lejanía lo abrazaba, su exilio le reclamaba hasta aquel lugar donde los hombres no sonríen ni miran de otra forma el horizonte.
Una voz aguda se rompió en un llanto borroso, este grito le despertó de sus oraciones cuando el sol se había doblegado ante la fragilidad adormecida de la noche. Encontró a esa voz entre la basura y la ira, ira muerta a balas y a puñaladas. Era la voz a una niña desnutrida y moribunda que parecía familiarizada con la muerte y con el hedor de la carne quemada.
El cuerpo de la niña estaba corrupto por la enfermedad y las quemaduras, que habían abrazado su cuerpo devorando completamente el brazo derecho. Sólo quedaba un leve recuerdo de infancia y vida brillando en sus ojos.
Los roncos movimientos y atroces sonidos estancados en su garganta le pedían morir. El mercenario, comenzó nuevamente a rezar:
Yo vi nacer la muerte de mi mano
Mi espada jugaba con el final de los hombres
Donde las lágrimas sangrientas
Abatían el silencio…
Y mientras la niña lloraba, el cuchillo del mercenario sintió un tibio rincón en la profundidad desesperada de carne, calor que sólo se apagó cuando atravesó su corazón hinchado de lágrimas.
Un suave y débil quejido termino por quebrar completamente su vida.
De mi mano bebieron el vino
Pero nadie vio cuando sobre mi espalda
Cabalgaba la muerte
Las voces del tiempo me reclaman
Cuando dios me vea…
Por un momento se vio a si mismo brillar sobre la frente de la niña; su rostro había envejecido, la mirada de padre, de hijo, de hermano, incluso la mirada de ser humano se había desvanecido y en su lugar las arrugas , dejando allí sólo una piedra púrpura que estaba sobre la frente de la niña.
Antes de cerrarle los ojos, vio en ellos a otro hombre, que había jugado a la muerte, mucho antes de que el naciera.
Dejó el cuerpo de la niña tirado sobre el polvo y continuó:
Me dirá que mi hora se acerca
Me dirá que no le pertenezco
Yo besaré el suelo
Y le pediré que los deje dormir para siempre
Donde los ríos brillan en silencio.
Comenzó a llover y llovió el odio del mundo sobre un mercenario, que llevaba una piedra púrpura en la mano.
- Amor –dijo, cuando los ríos brillaban en silencio - suena como tumbas vacías. Yo veo nacer la muerte de mi mano, en una verdad sangrienta.
Sintió como comenzaba a caer sin detenerse, sintió como su rostro daba vueltas por el suelo; pero no pudo sentir cuando el sol jugaba con sus ojos antes de perderlos.
Esa era la única manera de así sentir por primera vez, cómo la muerte nacía en su cuerpo.
8 comentarios:
Una espada....elijo una katana...una muerte...elijo peleando...
Creo q no hay nada mas epico q morir peleando...el honor de llevar al limite una razon...sin dudar...sin retroceder...eso me dejo tu escrito...gracias, amigo
Mercenario, qué bella y compleja palabra. Lleva la muerte adentro.
¡Muchísimas gracias por tan bonitas palabras en mi Blog, cariño!
Te dejo mis mejores vibras, y un abrazo muy fuerte :)
Me gustó mucho el relato, es tuyo? Está desbordado de imágenes y tiene una perfecta descripción. Adoro leer los textos que me envuelven con sus imágenes.
Gracias por pasar por mi blog.
Es un placer leerte.
Ahora siento tanto frío, y el silencio ya creció
English is well known as a new language for the culture unification of the humanity. That is why people are getting used to see English as a common all around the world (1)
As English is world wide spoken, there have been lots of opportunities for people to learn English as a second language and of course lots of people have been profited with the new language usage, I mean for study, working outside the country and so on;
Nevertheless, there are lots of people willing to learn English in order to get a better job here in Bolivia as a waiter/waitress but there is no offer for them. Most of the people who work with foreigners have a very basic knowledge of English or none, but they still working.
there are people who is involved with restaurant services and some times, they are not prepared to attend the costumers. That means no productivity as expected.
THEY LOST THEIR incomes, no more outcomes. People have no job, specially students so they are not convinced that they are trying as harder as they though.
The workers are supposed to work with people who lucky speak English, but what if they can not understand the language? If they can not understand, how can they serve them?
Those questions are struggling into my head and try to tell me the truth. Is necessary for them to speak? Do they need to write? I think that task based approach would be the best in this opportunity, focusing on non grammatical lessons and more practice around the restaurant service. And that’s why I’m encouraged to start inquiring about a restaurant services. If I get the point, they will be able to enhance their spoken abilities.
Note however, that I’m not trying just to make them speak, but understanding is also important.
They need to understand orders, explain recipe, ingredients and also intercultural exchange. The grammar contents will be explained along the learning
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization
English is well known as a new language for the culture unification of the humanity. That is why people are getting used to see English as a common all around the world (1)
As English is world wide spoken, there have been lots of opportunities for people to learn English as a second language and of course lots of people have been profited with the new language usage, I mean for study, working outside the country and so on;
Nevertheless, there are lots of people willing to learn English in order to get a better job here in Bolivia as a waiter/waitress but there is no offer for them. Most of the people who work with foreigners have a very basic knowledge of English or none, but they still working.
there are people who is involved with restaurant services and some times, they are not prepared to attend the costumers. That means no productivity as expected.
THEY LOST THEIR incomes, no more outcomes. People have no job, specially students so they are not convinced that they are trying as harder as they though.
The workers are supposed to work with people who lucky speak English, but what if they can not understand the language? If they can not understand, how can they serve them?
Those questions are struggling into my head and try to tell me the truth. Is necessary for them to speak? Do they need to write? I think that task based approach would be the best in this opportunity, focusing on non grammatical lessons and more practice around the restaurant service. And that’s why I’m encouraged to start inquiring about a restaurant services. If I get the point, they will be able to enhance their spoken abilities.
Note however, that I’m not trying just to make them speak, but understanding is also important.
They need to understand orders, explain recipe, ingredients and also intercultural exchange. The grammar contents will be explained along the learning
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization
English is well known as a new language for the culture unification of the humanity. That is why people are getting used to see English as a common all around the world (1)
As English is world wide spoken, there have been lots of opportunities for people to learn English as a second language and of course lots of people have been profited with the new language usage, I mean for study, working outside the country and so on;
Nevertheless, there are lots of people willing to learn English in order to get a better job here in Bolivia as a waiter/waitress but there is no offer for them. Most of the people who work with foreigners have a very basic knowledge of English or none, but they still working.
there are people who is involved with restaurant services and some times, they are not prepared to attend the costumers. That means no productivity as expected.
THEY LOST THEIR incomes, no more outcomes. People have no job, specially students so they are not convinced that they are trying as harder as they though.
The workers are supposed to work with people who lucky speak English, but what if they can not understand the language? If they can not understand, how can they serve them?
Those questions are struggling into my head and try to tell me the truth. Is necessary for them to speak? Do they need to write? I think that task based approach would be the best in this opportunity, focusing on non grammatical lessons and more practice around the restaurant service. And that’s why I’m encouraged to start inquiring about a restaurant services. If I get the point, they will be able to enhance their spoken abilities.
Note however, that I’m not trying just to make them speak, but understanding is also important.
They need to understand orders, explain recipe, ingredients and also intercultural exchange. The grammar contents will be explained along the learning
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization
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